Título : Monographs on trade channels
Tipo de documento: TEXTO IMPRESO
Autores: Centro de Comercio Internacional (CCI), Editor científico
Editorial: Ginebra : Centro de Comercio Internacional
Fecha de publicación: 1981-1984
Nota general: Frecuencia: Irregular
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Descriptores: Comercio internacional ; Marketing ; Relaciones económicas internacionales
Clasificación: 339.5 Comercio exterior. Comercio Internacional
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Número o elemento de publicación periódicaMención de fecha:TítuloNombre d'articles
Nº 3jun. 1984Trade channels for leisure shirts, blouses, dresses and knitewar in Belgium
Nº 2jun. 1984Handbags, travel goods and similar leather goods in the United States
Nº 84jun. 1983Handbags, travel goods and small leather goods in Swtzerland
Nº 82jul. 1982Handbags, travel goods and small leather goods in Canada
Nº 80mar. 1982Medicinal/Aromatic plants and plant extracts in France
Nº 77mar. 1982Medicinal/Aromatic plants and plant extracts in the Federal Republic of Germany
Nº 75dic. 1981Handbags, travel goods and similar leather goods in the United Kingdom
Nº 72sep. 1981Selected builders' wood-based products in the United Kingdom
Nº 66jul. 1981Handbags, travel goods and small leather goods in the Federal Republic of Germany
Nº 65jul. 1981Cordage, Rope and Twine in the Netherlands
Nº 64jun. 1981Canned fish and shellfish in France
Nº 63jun. 1981Canned meat in the Federal Republic of Germany