Título : Post Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory : A foundation for successful economic police for the Twenty- first Century
Tipo de documento: TEXTO IMPRESO
Autores: Paul Davidson
Editorial: Aldershot [Gran Bretaña] : Edward Elgar
Fecha de publicación: 1994
Número de páginas: 309 p.
Dimensiones: 24 cm.
ISBN/ISSN/DL: 85278-836-4
Idioma : Español (spa)
Descriptores: Macroeconomía ; TEORIA ECONOMICA
Clasificación: 330.834 Keynes y el keynesianismo. Neokeynesianismo. Poskeynesianismo
Nota de contenido: 1. The background for Keynes´s revolution - 2. The essential difference between the general theory and the classical system - 3. Expenditures related to income: Keynes´s D category - 4. Investment spending - 5. Goverment and the level of output - 6. Money and uncertainty - 7. Liquidity preference-the demand for money - 8. The finance motive and the interdependence of the real and monetary sectors - 9. Three views of inflation - 10. Keynes´s aggregate supply and demand analysis - 11. The demand ans supply of labour - 12. Money in an international setting - 13. Trade imbalances and international payments - 14. International liquidity and exchange rate stability - 15. Financing the wealth of nations - 16. Export-led growth and a proposal for an international payments scheme - 17. Epilogue: truth in labelling and economic textbooks -
Ubicación : 330.834 D249
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