Título : Global women´s work : perspectives on gender and work in the global economy
Tipo de documento: TEXTO IMPRESO
Autores: Beth English, ; Mary E. Frederickson, ; Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama,
Editorial: London : Routledge
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Número de páginas: xix, 402 p.
Dimensiones: 23 cm.
ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-1-138-03659-8
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Descriptores: Empleo de las mujeres ; Rol sexual ; Trabajo
Clasificación: 331-055.2 Trabajo de la mujer
Nota de contenido: Part I: Women’s agency: 1. Recognizing the home workplace: Making workers through global labor standards – 2. Empowerment revisited: Capitalist development and women workers in China’s reform era – 3. Peasant women’s agency in Bolivia during the global recession: The movement of the Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias y Afrodescendentes de Bolivia–Bartolina Sisa – 4. Global women’s work in transition: The case of entrepreneurial Bolivian women in apparel production in São Paulo, 2013–2014 – 5. Gender equality in the European employment strategy – 6. From sister to co-worker: New patterns of feminization of labor in Turkey – 7. Gender, work, and recession: Two views from the United States - Part II: Exploitation vs. Opportunity: 8. Women in the Russian workforce: A retreat from equality? – 9. Working poor women in Mexico facing another crisis: Domestic workers, struggling with structural disadvantages, and the 2008 recession – 10. Women’s work in Kenya’s Athi River Export Processing Zone: Opportunity or exploitation? – 11. Women and trade liberalization in Egypt – 12. Women’s university attainment and labor force participation in Gulf Cooperation Council countries – 13. The politics of women and work in Iran - Part III: Negotiations of social and reproductive labor: 14. Change and the status quo in home-based industry in south Tamil Nadu, India: Women beedi workers confront shifts in the organization of labor and capital – 15. Mexican and Puerto Rican women in Chicago: A gendered analysis of the 2008 recession – 16. The economic crisis and women’s part-time work in Hungary – 17. Gendered austerity policies: Inequality on the rise in the European Union including Ireland – 18. From kick-start to U-turn? Gender equality in Sweden
Ubicación : 331-055.2 E58
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