Título : Modern labor economics : theory and public policy
Tipo de documento: TEXTO IMPRESO
Autores: Ronald G. Ehrenberg ; Robert S. Smith
Mención de edición: 13a. ed.
Editorial: New York : Routledge
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Número de páginas: xx, 748 p.
Dimensiones: 25 cm.
ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-1-138-21815-4
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Descriptores: Desempleo ; Economía del trabajo ; GESTION DE PERSONAL ; Mano de obra ; Política laboral
Clasificación: 331.101.26 Economía del trabajo
Nota de contenido: 1. Introduction - 2. Overview of the labor market - 3. The demand for labor - 4. Labor demand elasticities - 5. Frictions in the labor market - 6. Supply of labor to the economy: the decision to work - 7. Labor supply: household production, the family, and the life cycle - 8. Compensating wage differentials and labor markets - 9. Investments in human capital: education and training - 10. Worker mobility: migration, immigration, and turnover - 11. Pay and productivity: wage determination within the firm - 12. Gender, race, and ethnicity in the labor market - 13. Unions and the labor market - 14. Unemployment - 15. Inequality in earnings - 16. The labor-market effects of international trade and production sharing
Ubicación : 331.101.26 E33 13ed.
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